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Eddie Gamez
Nov 26, 20193 min read
Surviving Comedy: Lose All Expectations
Comedy is a dog-eat-dog world. To the regular person, comedy looks like a fun time because the regular person gets to be the one that...

Eddie Gamez
Nov 12, 20193 min read
Dumb Mistakes We Make As New Comics
The first years of comedy are always the toughest. As a new comic, you (for the most part) are really just trying to figure out what the...

Eddie Gamez
Oct 29, 20194 min read
Your Set Is Boring
As a producer for Comedians on the Loose, there are certain things I am asked on a continual basis: “How do I get on your show?” “How do...

Eddie Gamez
Oct 22, 20193 min read
Doing the Same Set IS Getting You Somewhere
As long as I have been in comedy (five years to be exact), there seems to be this never-ending debate among aspiring comedians when it...

Eddie Gamez
Oct 15, 20193 min read
Embrace Being Uncomfortable On Stage
For performance, a stand-up has to achieve many things to truly “nail it.” From what I have seen from open mics to pro shows, three major...

Eddie Gamez
Oct 8, 20193 min read
Stop Making Excuses For Yourself
A career as a comedian is something we all desire. Few of us end up getting there, some only stay on the scene level, and many others...

Eddie Gamez
Sep 30, 20193 min read
Comedy Tips: How To Be Memorable Off-Stage
The stage is a comedian’s shining moment. When we perform, it’s about our craft and showing our truest selves so that (hopefully) the...

Eddie Gamez
Sep 10, 20194 min read
What A Half-Marathon Taught Me About Comedy
Since moving to NYC and diving into comedy in 2014, summer has always felt like a trying and somewhat tumultuous time for me. This summer...

Eddie Gamez
Aug 25, 20193 min read
Pro Comedy Tip: Push The Boundaries
Comedy has changed drastically in the past ten to twenty years. Not only has our topics and how we discuss them changed, but even the way...

Eddie Gamez
Aug 4, 20194 min read
Signs You Fear Your Own Success
Success. It’s something we as comedians all strive for and desire. Everyone’s idea of success is different from one comic to the next and...

Eddie Gamez
Jul 16, 20192 min read
Being Unreliable Is Costing You
For comics, being booked frequently is a basic goal. We WANT that stage time. It’s an opportunity to be seen, potentially increase our...

Eddie Gamez
Jul 9, 20193 min read
To Take a Class, Or To Not Take A Class
I recently came across an article from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation discussing comedy and whether it can successfully be taught...

Eddie Gamez
Jul 2, 20193 min read
Comedian Question: What is Your "Struggle?"
Comedy is one of the most difficult art forms to make successful. It’s difficult to gain success, it’s difficult to make look easy, etc. ...

Eddie Gamez
Jun 25, 20194 min read
Getting Better: More Than Just Stage Time
There’s a constant question every novice and even seasoned talent will ask themselves: how do I get better as a stand up comedian? The...

Eddie Gamez
Jun 11, 20193 min read
“Clapter” Doesn’t Mean You’re Succeeding
I recently revisited a 2018 article from Vulture discussing the rise of “clapter” comedy. If you aren’t familiar with “clapter” comedy...
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Eddie Gamez
May 28, 20193 min read
Is Being Disengaged Hurting You As A Comic?
As comics, the main thing we are known for is our on stage persona. When we are on that stage it is our time to give our opinions,...

Eddie Gamez
May 21, 20193 min read
Being Boring: The Easiest Comedy Flop
Standing out is a big part of having an edge over other comics in the industry. It’s what separates the pros from the amateurs and really...
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