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He Said, She Said: Battle of the Sexes

Eddie Gamez

He Said She Said

Lights. Camera. Competition!

Comedians on the Loose took a field trip to Broadway Comedy Club this past week to enjoy the “He Said, She Said” comedy show hosted by Samantha Dippold Peluso. The show is formatted as a duel between opposing teams to see who has better material and presence.

The show featured two comedy duos: Kyle Pennant and Dean David representing the men; Sonja Savanovic and Jula Branda representing the women.

The show started off with the bubbly Samantha Dippold Peluso warming up the crowd with her troubles on dating apps (they pretty much suck). We were then presented with Kevin Gootee and Jocelyn Chia further hyping up the crowd. Gootee charmed with his dark humor and hatred for tourists (primarily at Disney World) while Chia gave witty and charming observations on family, growing up in Singapore, and of course her signature “suck it” line emerged to give us a much needed chuckle.

Then the competition began.

Kyle Pennant and Dean David did a fair job with topics like the well being of chickens and being realistic about acting roles (Dean David is very thin).

Sonja Savanovic owned her Serbian vixen persona (Yes, Sonja. You are a vixen!). And I will always relate to your disdain for children.

Jula Branda rounded out the night with her “balls deep” approach of addressing the crowd with “how you doin’?” Apparently it’s a Jersey thing. Her persona as a “gumad” with a Walt Disney ideal of love really charmed the audience to hysterics.

At the end of the night it was the audience’s decision to decide the winning team with round of applause. However, it was no competition. The women dominated the night. Everyone knows this.

Savanovic and Branda were then cleared to move on to the next round.

Overall, this show is very charming. The venue is a quintessential New York comedy club feel and very close to highly recognizable areas like Time Square making it a perfect way to start the night and continue having fun.

If you’re in New York and want to have a fun time, I’d recommend checking out this show because who wouldn’t want a good laugh?

The quarter finals take place 11/03/2017 and you can see this show’s winners battle it out against another team. Don’t miss it!

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